Monday 9 November 2015

Microanalysis essay.

This essay will analyse the micro elements of sound and cinematography In the film Shawshank Redemption, focusing on the opera scene, where Andy Dufresne has locked himself in the office with the box of records just as he is about to play them. in the film The Shawshank Redemption. The essay will analyse how the micro elements create meaning and audience response. 

At the start of the scene there is a medium shot of Andy's face as he looks at the records in awe and amazement, this allows the audience to understand his love of the music and the fact they allow him to escape the reality of prison.  The low angle shot looking up towards him allows the audience to perceive him as powerful when conducting his role of librarian. This allows the audience to understand that his duties in the prison give him a sense of authority. 

The camera pans across the exercise field looking over all the inmates of Shawshank looking up at them making it seem like, if only for a moment, they were free men once again. This makes the inmates  look like they hold the power and not the guards. The use of the camera movement makes the inmates seem free for a moment and makes them seem equal to the prison wardens rather than underneath them on a social scale.

The camera pans up to show a children's comic magazine, the camera continues to move to reveal the reader is a warden. This allows the audience to judge the intelligence of the officer which makes Andy Dufresne look more intelligent in comparison to the defecting prison warden. The shot makes the warden look inferior compared to Andy which emphasises his importance in his role within the prison, despite him just being a librarian.

As the camera close up looks at the switches for the intercom we see Andy switch them all on to show that not one person will go without the music. also we watch him stop as he is about to press the intercoms start button. which will make the audience feel that Andy is regretting his decision before he has done it. Which will allow the audience to empathise with him knowing that they have been in a similar situation to him.

The high angle shot used to look over the exercise yard makes the inmates look up in shock whilst the music is being played out of the speaker. The fact that both the inmates and the wardens are looking up to the speaker in confusion shows that the playing of music is an anomaly in the prison.


  1. Avoid explaining what the micro elements mean. You need to add a sentence in saying you will be analysing the micro-elements and how they create meaning for the audience and provoke response. Have a look at the example opening I have given you.

    1. has been completed thank you for your feedback
