Thursday 12 November 2015

Messages and Values in opening scenes in The Krays.

Message- The Krays believed themselves invulnerable, as children in the play ground they would push around other people and get into fights with them.

Value- When people fear you it is good because you can do anything, they believed this as they walked away from national service after they have punched the drill Sargent.

Message- The relationship between the family is strong, we see this with how the entire family live on the same street all next to each other and just go into each others homes when they need to.

Value- Family is extremely important, when, in the hospital, Aunt Rose grabs a doctor and explains to him in a very aggressive manor that is he stays in the way of they trying to take him home she will put up a fight.

Message- The Krays have always had a violent streak, when Aunt Rose handed them the new toy crocodiles they are more interested in the blood and gore from them rather than the crocodile itself.

Value- The Kray brothers find each others safety important, we see this when one of them is ill and the other screams for his mother to try and help him get better however he didn't need the medicine he needs his brother.

Message- Women had the war a lot harder, we see this when the women are all cleaning and helping in the hospital scene we only see one man and the rest are all women.

Value- The brothers love there mother unconditional, as we see when the father threatens the mother and the Krays stand up and refuse to allow them to hit there mother no matter what.

Messages and Values developed later in the film

Message- The Krays believe themselves invulnerable, whilst Ronnie is fighting in the ally he opens his shirt and gives someone an opportunity to stab him knowing he wouldn't.

Value- Reg may love too much, as Reg is slowly smothering Frances which eventually leads to her suicide.

Message- Ronnie is a psychopath, this is developed with his loving of the violent animals such as snakes and by shooting Cornell with out even flinching even before that he begins to stroke the gun as if it was his pet.

Value- Ronnie enjoyed killing people, we see this when ever he goes to murder anyone for example when they gun doesn't fire when he is trying to kill Jack Ron comes over with a knife in hand telling him to do it, egging him on so to speak.

1 comment:

  1. Some good detail here Alex, you have shown good understanding of the film's main messages and values and acknowledged that some of the main messages and values are not present in the opening but develop later.

    Don't forget that a message is simply what is said about a topic whereas a value is something which applies a value to the message. e.g. Ronnie is psychopathic is a message, Ronnie's psychopathy shows that he places little importance to human life is a value.
