Monday 2 November 2015

Male (as done by Peyton Conway) and Female representations in The Krays

Some Female stereotypes-
  • Women are supposed to have "clean jobs" such as secretaries, teachers, and librarians
  • Women are nurses, not doctors
  • Women are not as strong as men
  • Women are supposed to make less money than men
  • The best women are stay at home mums
  • Women are quieter than men and not meant to speak out
  • Women are supposed to be submissive and do as they are told
  • Women are supposed to cook and do housework
  • Women are responsible for raising children
  • Women are meant to be the damsel in distress; never the hero
  • Women are supposed to look pretty and be looked at
  • Women are never in charge

Frances is represented as a damsel in distress in the film, an innocent little girl who needs Reginald to look after her as she is not as strong as him so she becomes a bit of a push over and a quiet girl who lives in Reginald's shadow and she lives up to the stereotype of being submissive doing what she is told and not speaking up for herself. Violet is represented as a complete opposite to Frances as she is a loud character and she refuses to be oppressed by her husband as when she is threatened before Reg and Ron get involved she responds to him threatening to hit her by telling him 'If you hit me you had better make sure you kill me or I swear on my mothers life I will slit your throat in your sleep'. Violet also sometimes lives up to some stereotypes by being the house cleaner and cooking and raising the kids but she is anything but submissive she is loud, out spoken and a very strong woman. Violets sisters are also shown off as strong independent women also the auntie was a strong hater of men because as she says they are born children and they die as children. In the film the majority of the women are shown off as strong independent women. Aunt Rose is expressed as a strong independent woman who has a slight hatred towards most men because of the war. We see this in the scene where they return from the wedding and she sits there saying that men are immature and goes on to say that when they drain the lake all they will find are bullets and dead babies and she believes that men come back from war and classed as heroes however the women will remember the death of the children and bullet shells. Aunt Rose challenges the typical stereotypes of women because she didn't have a man to fend for her also she was never a damsel in distress she was the hero she was strong and needed no one she had inner strength.

Outline some of the main male and masculine stereotypes that exist in the media broadly

Males are often stereotyped especially in 70's and 80's as strong and dominant. They provide the income for families whilst women stay at home. Nowadays they are stereotyped with violence, sport and business. Also, there is the metrosexual man who cares a lot about their appearance. They spend lots of money on hair, skin and weight products in order to maintain their looks.

How are Reginald and Ronnie (And other male characters) represented in The Krays (Give specific examples)

Reginald Kray is presented as a strong business man trying to make a living. Reggie is very caring towards his wife Frances, but treats her as Violet treated him, being extremely protective and overbearing. When leaving Frances in the car to go in the shop, two males approached the car to speak to Frances. Reggie immediately fled out and began beating up the men. This shows his possessive nature, despite genuinely loving Frances. Also, Reggie has a dangerous side which is mostly influenced by his brother Ronald. He is more controlled and pragmatics in his crimes compared to Ronnie as he uses crime as a business to get what he wants. Reggie is aware that what he is doing is wrong, however is prepared to go to extreme lengths.
Ronnie Kray is presented as a psychopath who cant see what he is doing is wrong. When committing crimes and hurting others he gets pleasure and satisfaction. He is also homosexual and has a man he regularly goes with. He does not hide his sexuality as he knows people wont question him out of fear. Although psychopathic, Ronnie is extremely caring towards his family and will do anything to protect them. On finding out his Aunt Rose died, he broke down and cried, storming down the street.

How do these representations challenge or reinforce these stereotypes? (Or do they?)

Reggie mostly reinforces the male stereotypes by being strong and powerful, in charge of his relationship. Unlike some men, Reggie did actually love his wife and wanted to provide and protect her. After her committing suicide, he did not leave his room and was extremely depressed over the loss of his wife, challenging the male stereotype by being emotional.
Ronnie challenges male stereotypes by openly being gay. At the time it would still technically be illegal to be homosexual, however this does not bothered Ronnie as he knows nobody will question him. He too is emotional when it comes to family which challenges male stereotypes. His strong and violent demeanour crashes and he shows a vulnerable side of him. On the other hand, Ronnie is psychopathic and therefore extremely violent and power hungry. This would be typical of a male to reinforce dominance.


  1. These are very good notes Peyton, use them as revision aids

  2. Sorry Alex, I meant very good notes 'from' Peyton
