Friday 15 January 2016

Representations of two males and females in bullet boy

Shea (Ricky' girlfriend)- Shea is a fairly quiet weak character who doesn't really try to stop Ricky from falling back into a life of crime if anything she supports it by allowing him to be integrated back into the group of people who landed him in prison the first time, as we see when Shea takes Ricky to the party and allows him to leave with Wisdom who helped land him in prison the first time around. This is very different compared to Beverley' approach because Shea doesn't try to stop him from getting himself back into trouble.

Beverley (Ricky' mother)- In contrast to Shea, Beverly takes a more direct approach to Ricky to try and force him to stop with his violent tendencies which leads to him rebelling against his mother which unfortunately leads to his death, for example when she tells him to stay and have his tea but he refuses if he had stayed he wouldn't have got caught up with Wisdom trying to shoot Godfrey. This has a high contrast with Shea because Beverley tries to help Ricky rather than leave him to his own demise.

Ricky- Ricky is represented as a stereotypical black Caribbean young adult however following some terrible stereotypes such as black people being associated with guns and violence and winding up in prison. However we do see some inner conflict in Ricky as we see how much he wants to escape that life and he does try his best to remove himself but he owes Wisdom his life so he feels he can't not help him. We also see how he is trying to escape that life with how he is trying to run away it may not be the best idea but it will get him out of the situations he gets dragged into.

Curtis (Ricky' brother)- Curtis seems to already be wanting to not be involved with the life of crime. We see this when he refuses to take the illegal drugs off of his friend also when we see them go to shoot the white horse he tries to stop him maybe because of the white signifying innocence and purity and he isn't quite ready to lose that part of him. Also we see the similarities in Curtis' and Ricky's situation after Curtis shoots his friend he now owes him a life debt, a life debt to someone who overly resembles a young Wisdom.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Themes dealt with in all three films

The Krays
       Organised crime
       Gun culture
       A life of crime (i.e. crime as a profession)
       Honour among villains
       Loyalty and brotherhood
       Gritty and realistic depictions of crime
       Failure of law and the police
       Appearance and reality

Bullet Boy
       Poverty and deprivation
       Gang crime
       Gun culture
       A life of crime (i.e. falling unwillingly into crime)
       Desire to break away from criminal influences
       Access to guns, especially for youngsters
       Youth, the pressures on youth and a lack of opportunity, especially for black working class youth
       Gritty and realistic depictions of crime
       Innocent victims
       Breakdown of the family
       Strong female characters
       Failure of the justice system

Harry Brown
       Drug abuse
       Gang crime
       Gun culture
       Housing estates and the failure of social housing
       Age (old age in particular)
       Honour among criminals (how does this compare to The Krays?)
       Gritty and realistic depictions of crime
       Fractured British Society
       The professionalism of the police
       Strong female characters
       Innocent victims
       Breakdown of the family
       Ineffective law enforcement and the failure of society to hold it to account

  •  Sexual abuse

Bullet boy

To which character does the title refer? Explain your answer
I believe Curtis is the bullet boy due to the fact that he is the one who fires a bullet and he in a way is trying to escape that kind of life like a bullet escaping the barrel of a gun hence the name bullet boy.

What are the main messages, values and social issues in the film?
some of the main messages and values are to do with the problems on the streets in that area one message is that Ricky doesn't want to go back to prison we see this when he tries to avoid the problems with guns and violence on the street as he fails it results in his death. A value in it is that Ricky doesn't respect his mother which is shown when he doesn't listen to her or do anything she says which leads to him getting kicked out of his home

How are the people and places represented in the film? Consider:
-Whether the film offers a realistic view of London. How this representation differs from other common representations of London.
-How the characters challenge and fulfil stereotypes.

The rough estate on which Ricky grew up holds some of the common stereotypes of a council estate such as drugs and violence where most people are taking or selling drugs and some people are shooting and murdering people which could explain how Ricky has landed himself in certain situations which would place him back in prison. This film offers a realistic view of the back streets of London of where real people live not for all the on show touristy stuff that most people know and love this film represents the darker side the harsh reality of it that gun violence and drugs are still a major part of some of these communities and they don't have the luxury of their own job or a decent education which would make these people turn to drug dealing and gang warfare.

Many characters both challenge and fulfil stereotypes primarily of black people. Ricky on front reinforces the stereotype of black people being violent and they take drugs however you do see a lot of inner conflict where he wants to get out of that and make a life for himself rather than end up in prison for killing someone on the streets. Beverly (Ricky' mother) tries very hard to challenge the stereotype of single mothers by trying her best to raise her children in such a harsh environment and works hard to put food on the table rather than going onto benefits. She does also challenges the stereotype that single parents are laid back and don't care, we see this with how much she tries to keep Ricky out of trouble.